An Entity is rated as unexpected for its context in terms of its magnitude. Either some different type of Entity with a different scope would be expected, or a different amount of the Entity.
The entire apple was riddled with worms .
The inevitable fate of the Warsaw Resistance fighters was not finally sealed until nine whole weeks of vicious fighting had taken a terrible toll on the people .
A mere two percent of Afghan women are registered to vote.
The crime scene doesn't wrap up in an hour, never mind an entire investigation .
It 's a huge engineering project when you 're building a whole car .
Although there are some words that overlap between this frame and Completeness, the words in this frame indicate specifically that the magnitude of the Entity is different from what is expected, rather than grading an entity as to whether all its parts are present. The Ranked_expectation uses must occur with an explicit or implicit quantification. The Completeness uses can only occur with entities that have salient necessary parts and structure.