Addressee entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Speaker's commitment can be made to an Addressee. With those words which allow this frame element to be expressed, Addressee usually occurs as a PP Complement headed by to or the (Indirect) Object of verbs: Kim made a promise to me. Kim promised me that everything would be okay.
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Addressee 
xsd:string The Speaker's commitment can be made to an Addressee. With those words which allow this frame element to be expressed, Addressee usually occurs as a PP Complement headed by to or the (Indirect) Object of verbs: Kim made a promise to me. Kim promised me that everything would be okay.  
The Speaker's commitment can be made to an Addressee. With those words which allow this frame element to be expressed, Addressee usually occurs as a PP Complement headed by to or the (Indirect) Object of verbs: Kim made a promise to me. Kim promised me that everything would be okay. 
xsd:integer 136 
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:11:59+01:00 

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