. . . "The Addressee refers to the one toward whom the Communication_noise is directed. Addressee generally occurs in to or at PPs. Kim whined to Jess that it wasn't fair. Jess screamed at Kim to be quiet."@en . . "The Addressee refers to the one toward whom the Communication_noise is directed. Addressee generally occurs in to or at PPs.\nKim whined to Jess that it wasn't fair.\nJess screamed at Kim to be quiet. "^^ . . "Peripheral" . "Peripheral"^^ . . "163"^^ . . . "Add" . "The Addressee refers to the one toward whom the Communication_noise is directed. Addressee generally occurs in to or at PPs. Kim whined to Jess that it wasn't fair. Jess screamed at Kim to be quiet."@en . . . . . . . "Addressee" . . . "2001-02-07T13:12:02+01:00"^^ . "Addressee" . . . . "ChW" . . . . .