Age entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Age is the length of time the Indicated_resident has been alive. Perhaps you know someone who has been doing errands for an elderly neighbour for years, or has performed an extraordinary act of heroism or kindness.
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Age  Age 
xsd:string The Age is the length of time the Indicated_resident has been alive. Perhaps you know someone who has been doing errands for an elderly neighbour for years, or has performed an extraordinary act of heroism or kindness. 
The Age is the length of time the Indicated_resident has been alive. Perhaps you know someone who has been doing errands for an elderly neighbour for years, or has performed an extraordinary act of heroism or kindness. 
xsd:integer 6591 
xsd:dateTime 2004-06-28T15:23:09+02:00 

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