Agent entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

In causative uses of these verbs there is an Agent responsible for amalgamating the Parts. The Agent is generally the External Argument (or the object of a PP-by in passives).The chef combined the ingredients.The ingredients were combined by the chef.
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Agent  Agent 
xsd:string In causative uses of these verbs there is an Agent responsible for amalgamating the Parts. The Agent is generally the External Argument (or the object of a PP-by in passives).The chef combined the ingredients.The ingredients were combined by the chef.  
In causative uses of these verbs there is an Agent responsible for amalgamating the Parts. The Agent is generally the External Argument (or the object of a PP-by in passives).The chef combined the ingredients.The ingredients were combined by the chef. 
xsd:integer 46 
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:11:44+01:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud