"The Agent is the individual whose body is in a particular posture. The Agent FE is generally expressed as the external argument of verbs: Kim was kneeling by the window."@en . . . . . . . . . "81"^^ . "The Agent is the individual whose body is in a particular posture. The Agent FE is generally expressed as the external argument of verbs: \nKim was kneeling by the window."^^ . "Agent" . "The Agent is the individual whose body is in a particular posture. The Agent FE is generally expressed as the external argument of verbs: Kim was kneeling by the window."@en . "ChW" . . . . "2001-02-07T13:11:51+01:00"^^ . . "Agt" . . . . "Core" . "Core"^^ . . . . . "Agent" . "Agent"^^ .