Behavior entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

A Behavior that the Cognizer is engaged in independently but whose execution is subsequently influenced by the Situation or Entity. Attention will also be paid to St. Paul , what influenced him in his thinking and what he wrote in his letters about sex, sexuality, men and women
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Behavior  Behavior 
xsd:string A Behavior that the Cognizer is engaged in independently but whose execution is subsequently influenced by the Situation or Entity. Attention will also be paid to St. Paul , what influenced him in his thinking and what he wrote in his letters about sex, sexuality, men and women 
A Behavior that the Cognizer is engaged in independently but whose execution is subsequently influenced by the Situation or Entity. Attention will also be paid to St. Paul , what influenced him in his thinking and what he wrote in his letters about sex, sexuality, men and women 
xsd:integer 6315 
xsd:dateTime 2004-04-22T12:43:59+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud