Cause entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

An animate or inanimate entity, a force, or event that produces an effect. Volitionality is not a necessary characteristic of Causes. John made me give up smoking. The wind made the door rattle. The accident caused them to be more careful the next time.
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Cause  Cause 
xsd:string An animate or inanimate entity, a force, or event that produces an effect. Volitionality is not a necessary characteristic of Causes. John made me give up smoking. The wind made the door rattle. The accident caused them to be more careful the next time. 
An animate or inanimate entity, a force, or event that produces an effect. Volitionality is not a necessary characteristic of Causes. John made me give up smoking. The wind made the door rattle. The accident caused them to be more careful the next time. 
xsd:integer 3693 
xsd:dateTime 2002-09-03T16:29:04+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud