Cause entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

An animate or inanimate entity, a force, or event that produces an effect. Volitionality is not a necessary characteristic of Causes. @en
xsd:string Core-Unexpressed 
xsd:string Cause  Cause 
xsd:string An animate or inanimate entity, a force, or event that produces an effect. Volitionality is not a necessary characteristic of Causes.  
An animate or inanimate entity, a force, or event that produces an effect. Volitionality is not a necessary characteristic of Causes.  @en
xsd:integer 3709 
xsd:dateTime 2002-09-03T16:55:12+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud

risorse connesse 1

risorse non online 0

risorse caricate 1

A Searcher looks all over a Ground in order to find a Sought_entity. The Sought_entity is not presupposed to exist. The search activity is not concerned with the state of the Ground, which is the case in the Inspecting frame, but only with the finding of the Sought_entity, which is desirable. The newcomers combed the area looking for minerals Scientists scoured the ice samples for signs of life. Mulder rummaged through his toilet kit for a plastic razor. @en

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