Cognizer entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Cognizer is the person who might become aware of the Phenomenon if it was not concealed. Moreover, the blood and decorations were sacred and could only be removed in a procedure which was secret from women
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Cognizer  Cognizer 
xsd:string The Cognizer is the person who might become aware of the Phenomenon if it was not concealed. Moreover, the blood and decorations were sacred and could only be removed in a procedure which was secret from women 
The Cognizer is the person who might become aware of the Phenomenon if it was not concealed. Moreover, the blood and decorations were sacred and could only be removed in a procedure which was secret from women 
xsd:integer 6616 
xsd:dateTime 2004-06-29T18:44:43+02:00 

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