Communication entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The information that the Communicator wishes to impart to the Addressee, often to get a particular response. In this frame the Communication is not necessarily received by the Addressee. Patients continually call in with questions. @en
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Communication 
xsd:string The information that the Communicator wishes to impart to the Addressee, often to get a particular response. In this frame the Communication is not necessarily received by the Addressee. Patients continually call in with questions. 
The information that the Communicator wishes to impart to the Addressee, often to get a particular response. In this frame the Communication is not necessarily received by the Addressee. Patients continually call in with questions.  @en
xsd:integer 2486 
xsd:dateTime 2002-03-19T11:40:03+01:00 

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