Constancy entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The level of firmness with which the Cognizer holds an opinion. It refers to the amount of convincing that they would need to change their mind. I really think that you should reconsider.
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Constancy 
xsd:string The level of firmness with which the Cognizer holds an opinion. It refers to the amount of convincing that they would need to change their mind. I really think that you should reconsider.  
The level of firmness with which the Cognizer holds an opinion. It refers to the amount of convincing that they would need to change their mind. I really think that you should reconsider. 
xsd:integer 7873 
xsd:dateTime 2005-04-26T19:54:55+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud