Contract_basis entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Contract_basis describes the conditions of employment with respect to permanency, hours per time period, or payment basis. As much as possible, however, do not attempt to run a full-time business in addition to holding a full-time job .
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Contract_basis 
xsd:string The Contract_basis describes the conditions of employment with respect to permanency, hours per time period, or payment basis. As much as possible, however, do not attempt to run a full-time business in addition to holding a full-time job . 
The Contract_basis describes the conditions of employment with respect to permanency, hours per time period, or payment basis. As much as possible, however, do not attempt to run a full-time business in addition to holding a full-time job . 
xsd:integer 3026 
xsd:dateTime 2002-06-12T18:55:08+02:00 

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