Cotheme entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

An entity whose motion is correlated with that of the Self_mover, following and tracking the Self_mover, being followed and tracked, or with both parties mutually matching Paths. We clomped down to the shore with a whole troop of younglings. I had little hope of catching up, but I crawled after her as fast as I could. The troops marching in front of him paid no attention to the beggar by the roadside. @en
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Cotheme  Cotheme 
xsd:string An entity whose motion is correlated with that of the Self_mover, following and tracking the Self_mover, being followed and tracked, or with both parties mutually matching Paths. We clomped down to the shore with a whole troop of younglings. I had little hope of catching up, but I crawled after her as fast as I could. The troops marching in front of him paid no attention to the beggar by the roadside.  
An entity whose motion is correlated with that of the Self_mover, following and tracking the Self_mover, being followed and tracked, or with both parties mutually matching Paths. We clomped down to the shore with a whole troop of younglings. I had little hope of catching up, but I crawled after her as fast as I could. The troops marching in front of him paid no attention to the beggar by the roadside.  @en
xsd:integer 1978 
xsd:dateTime 2001-09-18T14:46:01+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud

risorse connesse 1

risorse non online 0

risorse caricate 1

An Agent or Cause is responsible for placing a Valued_entity at risk. Endangering_act, Place, Time, Reason, and Circumstance may also be specified. His actions have imperiled his immortal soul! I admit that I endangered you all by attracting the killer's notice. @en

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