Degree entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The extent to which the group of Colonists spreads across or inhabits the New_area. In the reign of Elizabeth, the English strove to thoroughly colonize Ireland, which they had originally invaded in the twelfth century.
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Degree  Degree 
xsd:string The extent to which the group of Colonists spreads across or inhabits the New_area. In the reign of Elizabeth, the English strove to thoroughly colonize Ireland, which they had originally invaded in the twelfth century. 
The extent to which the group of Colonists spreads across or inhabits the New_area. In the reign of Elizabeth, the English strove to thoroughly colonize Ireland, which they had originally invaded in the twelfth century. 
xsd:integer 10641 
xsd:dateTime 2006-09-28T11:42:20+02:00 

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