Degree entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Degree to which the Exerter, Action, or Force can or does exert a force. After being in space for six months, his muscles were extremely weak. Where Degree is expressed by a comparative or superlative form of the target, the FE is marked on the target (as well as on the rest of the comparative/superlative expression, if present): Years of lifting had made him a stronger man. Years of lifting had made him stronger than any of his peers.
The Degree to which the Exerter, Action, or Force can or does exert a force. After being in space for six months, his muscles were extremely weak. Where Degree is expressed by a comparative or superlative form of the target, the FE is marked on the target (as well as on the rest of the comparative/superlative expression, if present): Years of lifting had made him a stronger man. Years of lifting had made him stronger than any of his peers. 
xsd:integer 16704 
xsd:dateTime 2015-09-10T21:31:27+02:00 

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