Degree entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

A modifier expressing the deviation of the Measure from the norm or from the value for another Collection. Iron is very scarce inside the human body, so pneumococcal bacteria have mechanisms to obtain iron more easily.
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Degree  Degree 
xsd:string A modifier expressing the deviation of the Measure from the norm or from the value for another Collection. Iron is very scarce inside the human body, so pneumococcal bacteria have mechanisms to obtain iron more easily. 
A modifier expressing the deviation of the Measure from the norm or from the value for another Collection. Iron is very scarce inside the human body, so pneumococcal bacteria have mechanisms to obtain iron more easily. 
xsd:integer 8819 
xsd:dateTime 2005-08-05T13:13:37+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud