Depictive entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

This FE describes the Protagonist as being in some state during the waiting. We waited with a smile on our faces and a chortle in our hearts when the race organizers handed out the first weather charts.
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Depictive 
xsd:string This FE describes the Protagonist as being in some state during the waiting. We waited with a smile on our faces and a chortle in our hearts when the race organizers handed out the first weather charts. 
This FE describes the Protagonist as being in some state during the waiting. We waited with a smile on our faces and a chortle in our hearts when the race organizers handed out the first weather charts. 
xsd:integer 8497 
xsd:dateTime 2005-07-14T14:14:14+02:00 

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