Descriptor entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Descriptor is a temporary condition of the Indicated_resident. If Western's administration is not careful about how they handle themselves in this situation, they could find themselves with some very angry neighbours on their front doorstep.
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Descriptor 
xsd:string The Descriptor is a temporary condition of the Indicated_resident. If Western's administration is not careful about how they handle themselves in this situation, they could find themselves with some very angry neighbours on their front doorstep. 
The Descriptor is a temporary condition of the Indicated_resident. If Western's administration is not careful about how they handle themselves in this situation, they could find themselves with some very angry neighbours on their front doorstep. 
xsd:integer 6592 
xsd:dateTime 2004-06-28T15:24:48+02:00 

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