
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Dimension.expansion entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

Change of size may be limited to or described in terms of a single Dimension. The wall grew in height. The piglet had grown 6 inches in length. @en
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Dimension 
xsd:string Change of size may be limited to or described in terms of a single Dimension. The wall grew in height. The piglet had grown 6 inches in length.  
Change of size may be limited to or described in terms of a single Dimension. The wall grew in height. The piglet had grown 6 inches in length.  @en
xsd:integer 4757 
xsd:dateTime 2003-07-11T10:20:41+02:00 

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Item-1 and Item-2 are compatible with each other if they can exist or function together in some context without problems, conflict, or other undesirable situation. The set of Item-1 and Item-2 may be expressed jointly as Items. The Degree to which the Items are compatible may also be indicated, as may be a Parameter along whose lines the Items are compatible. Make sure your site is compatible with any browser. Our software applications are compatible. @en

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