
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Dispute.partiality entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Dispute is the situation in which there is some conflict between two sides. My sister remained neutral in our disputes. @en
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Dispute  Dispute 
xsd:string The Dispute is the situation in which there is some conflict between two sides. My sister remained neutral in our disputes. 
The Dispute is the situation in which there is some conflict between two sides. My sister remained neutral in our disputes.  @en
xsd:integer 3468 
xsd:dateTime 2002-07-31T21:08:20+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud

risorse connesse 1

risorse non online 0

risorse caricate 1

This FE identifies the Rate of change of the value. The balloon inflates about 2 cubic cm a minute. @en

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