
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Duration.temporary_leave entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The amount of time the Person is absent from his or her Activity. This can also be expressed as a description of a duration, as shown below: Dissuaded from resigning, Macmillan took extended leave rather than restrain his public utterances. During her two-year absence Eliza suffered great pangs of homesickness and longing for her children.
The amount of time the Person is absent from his or her Activity. This can also be expressed as a description of a duration, as shown below: Dissuaded from resigning, Macmillan took extended leave rather than restrain his public utterances. During her two-year absence Eliza suffered great pangs of homesickness and longing for her children. 
xsd:integer 15524 
xsd:dateTime 2012-03-09T20:31:36+01:00 

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