
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Employer.hiring entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The person (or institution) that takes on an Employee, giving them Compensation in return for the performance of an assigned Task. Last month, IBM hired Mike Zisman to head up its storage software group.
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Employer  Employer 
xsd:string The person (or institution) that takes on an Employee, giving them Compensation in return for the performance of an assigned Task. Last month, IBM hired Mike Zisman to head up its storage software group. 
The person (or institution) that takes on an Employee, giving them Compensation in return for the performance of an assigned Task. Last month, IBM hired Mike Zisman to head up its storage software group. 
xsd:integer 2778 
xsd:dateTime 2002-05-14T21:47:02+02:00 

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