https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Eventuality.predicting entità di tipo: ObjectProperty
This FE marks expressions that indicate an event or state that is predicted to occur or hold at a future time. A single Eventuality may be expressed discontinuously in a raising construction. This FE is also used for expressions that denote entities with variable attributes about which the Speaker makes predictions. Predicting the weather is risky business. Predicting the numbers of disabled elderly into the future is problematic as it depends upon the projection forward of current patterns of disability . Wangforecasts a 9 per cent increase in state revenue The European market is forecast to grow 18.1%.
This FE marks expressions that indicate an event or state that is predicted to occur or hold at a future time. A single Eventuality may be expressed discontinuously in a raising construction. This FE is also used for expressions that denote entities with variable attributes about which the Speaker makes predictions.
Predicting the weather is risky business.
Predicting the numbers of disabled elderly into the future is problematic as it depends upon the projection forward of current patterns of disability .
Wangforecasts a 9 per cent increase in state revenue
The European market is forecast to grow 18.1% .
This FE marks expressions that indicate an event or state that is predicted to occur or hold at a future time. A single Eventuality may be expressed discontinuously in a raising construction. This FE is also used for expressions that denote entities with variable attributes about which the Speaker makes predictions. Predicting the weather is risky business. Predicting the numbers of disabled elderly into the future is problematic as it depends upon the projection forward of current patterns of disability . Wangforecasts a 9 per cent increase in state revenue The European market is forecast to grow 18.1%.