. "Words in this frame may occur with a PP headed by from which expresses the Evidence on which knowledge or belief is based: I have learned from experience that poison oak can be painful. "^^ . . . . . "Evidence" . "Words in this frame may occur with a PP headed by from which expresses the Evidence on which knowledge or belief is based: I have learned from experience that poison oak can be painful."@en . "99"^^ . . . . . "Evid" . "2001-02-07T13:11:54+01:00"^^ . "Core" . "Core"^^ . . "Words in this frame may occur with a PP headed by from which expresses the Evidence on which knowledge or belief is based: I have learned from experience that poison oak can be painful."@en . "ChW" . . . . "Evidence" . "Evidence"^^ . .