
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Explanation.taking_sides entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Explanation is a proposition denoting a state of affairs from which the Cognizer's taking the indicated view on the Issue logically follows. Could it be that he sided with them because it was the constitutionaly correct thing to do? @en
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Explanation 
xsd:string The Explanation is a proposition denoting a state of affairs from which the Cognizer's taking the indicated view on the Issue logically follows. Could it be that he sided with them because it was the constitutionaly correct thing to do? 
The Explanation is a proposition denoting a state of affairs from which the Cognizer's taking the indicated view on the Issue logically follows. Could it be that he sided with them because it was the constitutionaly correct thing to do?  @en
xsd:integer 8161 
xsd:dateTime 2005-06-15T19:38:44+02:00 

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This FE identifies the Purpose for which the dodging occurs. He sidestepped just enough to soften the blow. @en

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