Frequency entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

Frequency describes how often the Agent or Cause resolves this problem. Unfortunately , when such influences are considered as explanations of the results of free-running experiments , the following problems have never been satisfactorily dealt with.
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Frequency 
xsd:string Frequency describes how often the Agent or Cause resolves this problem. Unfortunately , when such influences are considered as explanations of the results of free-running experiments , the following problems have never been satisfactorily dealt with. 
Frequency describes how often the Agent or Cause resolves this problem. Unfortunately , when such influences are considered as explanations of the results of free-running experiments , the following problems have never been satisfactorily dealt with. 
xsd:integer 8682 
xsd:dateTime 2005-07-22T12:22:45+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud