
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Harmful_event.being_at_risk entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

An action that may occur or a state which may hold which could result in the loss of or damage to the Asset. Our system ensures that information stored within hardware is secure from external software attack and physical theft.
xsd:string Core 
xsd:string Harmful_event 
xsd:string An action that may occur or a state which may hold which could result in the loss of or damage to the Asset. Our system ensures that information stored within hardware is secure from external software attack and physical theft.  
An action that may occur or a state which may hold which could result in the loss of or damage to the Asset. Our system ensures that information stored within hardware is secure from external software attack and physical theft. 
xsd:integer 8482 
xsd:dateTime 2005-07-14T20:26:46+02:00 

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