
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Judge.mental_property entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The individual whose point of view is taken in assigning the judgment denoted by the target. To my mind, his dialogues with his Vietnamese counterpart were the most trenchant, astute and screamingly funny things Trudeau has ever done
xsd:string Core 
xsd:string The individual whose point of view is taken in assigning the judgment denoted by the target. To my mind, his dialogues with his Vietnamese counterpart were the most trenchant, astute and screamingly funny things Trudeau has ever done 
The individual whose point of view is taken in assigning the judgment denoted by the target. To my mind, his dialogues with his Vietnamese counterpart were the most trenchant, astute and screamingly funny things Trudeau has ever done 
xsd:integer 6391 
xsd:dateTime 2004-05-06T11:04:31+02:00 

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