Known_resident entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The individual(s) that serve(s) as a reference point for the definition of the Indicated_resident due to the proximity of residences. I have no problem with him becoming Madonna's neighbour at all!
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Known_resident 
xsd:string The individual(s) that serve(s) as a reference point for the definition of the Indicated_resident due to the proximity of residences. I have no problem with him becoming Madonna's neighbour at all!  
The individual(s) that serve(s) as a reference point for the definition of the Indicated_resident due to the proximity of residences. I have no problem with him becoming Madonna's neighbour at all! 
xsd:integer 6584 
xsd:dateTime 2004-06-28T15:05:09+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud