
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Level.education_teaching entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

This FE identifies the Level of a student in his/her education. This is distinct from the goal or qualification towards which a student is working (Qualification ). a graduate student a fourth grade student The above are both Levels, in contrast to: a doctoral Student an MA Student @en
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Level  Level 
xsd:string This FE identifies the Level of a student in his/her education. This is distinct from the goal or qualification towards which a student is working (Qualification). a graduate student a fourth grade student The above are both Levels, in contrast to: a doctoral Student an MA Student 
This FE identifies the Level of a student in his/her education. This is distinct from the goal or qualification towards which a student is working (Qualification ). a graduate student a fourth grade student The above are both Levels, in contrast to: a doctoral Student an MA Student  @en
xsd:integer 545 
xsd:dateTime 2001-05-23T12:20:08+02:00 

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