
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Location_of_protagonist.obviousness entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The physical location of a Perceiver of the Phenomenon or a metaphorical point-of-view location of a cognizer relative to the Phenomenon. It is obvious from here that the crux of the climb is the ascent up to the southern peak.
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string The physical location of a Perceiver of the Phenomenon or a metaphorical point-of-view location of a cognizer relative to the Phenomenon. It is obvious from here that the crux of the climb is the ascent up to the southern peak.  
The physical location of a Perceiver of the Phenomenon or a metaphorical point-of-view location of a cognizer relative to the Phenomenon. It is obvious from here that the crux of the climb is the ascent up to the southern peak. 
xsd:integer 7679 
xsd:dateTime 2005-03-27T17:40:26+02:00 

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