Manner entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The FE Manner identifies the manner in which an Agent intentionally affects a Impactee. They ` hot-wired " a prison van and repeatedly rammed it into a security gate. @en
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Manner  Manner 
xsd:string The FE Manner identifies the manner in which an Agent intentionally affects a Impactee. They ` hot-wired " a prison van and repeatedly rammed it into a security gate. 
The FE Manner identifies the manner in which an Agent intentionally affects a Impactee. They ` hot-wired " a prison van and repeatedly rammed it into a security gate.  @en
xsd:integer 3546 
xsd:dateTime 2002-08-14T20:53:33+02:00 

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