Means entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

An intentional action performed by the Agent (or event resulting from the Cause) that produces a change in the Entity. Ling said he had transformed the car by putting slicks on. @en
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Means  Means 
xsd:string An intentional action performed by the Agent (or event resulting from the Cause) that produces a change in the Entity. Ling said he had transformed the car by putting slicks on. 
An intentional action performed by the Agent (or event resulting from the Cause) that produces a change in the Entity. Ling said he had transformed the car by putting slicks on.  @en
xsd:integer 9140 
xsd:dateTime 2005-10-18T12:27:20+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud

risorse connesse 1

risorse non online 0

risorse caricate 1

The state-of-affairs that the Theme wishes to bring about. The participants circled around in order to avoid the house.. @en

seguo le relazioni inverse