Means entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Means is an intermediate action taken by the Agent in order to resolve the Problem. I fixed the floorplate issue by shaving off the excess stock around the floorplate that was keeping it from closing @en
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Means  Means 
xsd:string The Means is an intermediate action taken by the Agent in order to resolve the Problem. I fixed the floorplate issue by shaving off the excess stock around the floorplate that was keeping it from closing 
The Means is an intermediate action taken by the Agent in order to resolve the Problem. I fixed the floorplate issue by shaving off the excess stock around the floorplate that was keeping it from closing  @en
xsd:integer 8313 
xsd:dateTime 2005-06-22T15:36:20+02:00 

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