"The Medium is the piece of text or work in which the Cognizer pays attention to an entity in order to discover something about it. The FE is normally expressed as an External Argument: \nChapter four examined the case for free speech."^^ . "2004-08-25T21:00:05+02:00"^^ . "Medium" . . . "7030"^^ . . "The Medium is the piece of text or work in which the Cognizer pays attention to an entity in order to discover something about it. The FE is normally expressed as an External Argument: Chapter four examined the case for free speech."@en . . . . "KlB" . "The Medium is the piece of text or work in which the Cognizer pays attention to an entity in order to discover something about it. The FE is normally expressed as an External Argument: Chapter four examined the case for free speech."@en . "Medium" . "Medium"^^ . . "Med" . "Core"^^ . . "Core" . .