
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Obscuring_medium.perception_active entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Obscuring_medium is the medium through which the Phenomenon makes itself perceivable to the Perceiver_agentive. This is similar to the Direction, but occurs in the opposite direction and implies a movement of the Phenomenon. I eavesdropped on them through the wall.
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Obscuring_medium 
xsd:string The Obscuring_medium is the medium through which the Phenomenon makes itself perceivable to the Perceiver_agentive. This is similar to the Direction, but occurs in the opposite direction and implies a movement of the Phenomenon. I eavesdropped on them through the wall. 
The Obscuring_medium is the medium through which the Phenomenon makes itself perceivable to the Perceiver_agentive. This is similar to the Direction, but occurs in the opposite direction and implies a movement of the Phenomenon. I eavesdropped on them through the wall. 
xsd:integer 13084 
xsd:dateTime 2008-10-15T10:12:46+02:00 

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