Phenomenon entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

This is what the Cognizer believes will happen in the future. It can be expressed as a Finite Clause Complement, an NP Object, or a VP Complement with or without an NP Object (see General Grammatical Observations): Pat expects that the Yankees will win the World Series. Pat expects a big win. Pat expects the Yankees to win the World Series. General Grammatical Observations: Many of the verbs in this frame allow Raising: Pat expects it to rain. In the example above, the word it is grammatically the Object of the target verb expect, but it does not express an FE. Rather, it is merely construed as the External Argument of the verb rain, which heads the VP Complement of the target. In this situation, both the raised consituent it and the VP Complement are marked with the Phenomenon FE, but are marked as separate constituents. That is because the Object can be passivized and therefore not appear adjacent to the VP Complement: It is expected to rain.
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Phenomenon 
xsd:string This is what the Cognizer believes will happen in the future. It can be expressed as a Finite Clause Complement, an NP Object, or a VP Complement with or without an NP Object (see General Grammatical Observations): Pat expects that the Yankees will win the World Series. Pat expects a big win. Pat expects the Yankees to win the World Series. General Grammatical Observations: Many of the verbs in this frame allow Raising: Pat expects it to rain. In the example above, the word it is grammatically the Object of the target verb expect, but it does not express an FE. Rather, it is merely construed as the External Argument of the verb rain, which heads the VP Complement of the target. In this situation, both the raised consituent it and the VP Complement are marked with the Phenomenon FE, but are marked as separate constituents. That is because the Object can be passivized and therefore not appear adjacent to the VP Complement: It is expected to rain.  
This is what the Cognizer believes will happen in the future. It can be expressed as a Finite Clause Complement, an NP Object, or a VP Complement with or without an NP Object (see General Grammatical Observations): Pat expects that the Yankees will win the World Series. Pat expects a big win. Pat expects the Yankees to win the World Series. General Grammatical Observations: Many of the verbs in this frame allow Raising: Pat expects it to rain. In the example above, the word it is grammatically the Object of the target verb expect, but it does not express an FE. Rather, it is merely construed as the External Argument of the verb rain, which heads the VP Complement of the target. In this situation, both the raised consituent it and the VP Complement are marked with the Phenomenon FE, but are marked as separate constituents. That is because the Object can be passivized and therefore not appear adjacent to the VP Complement: It is expected to rain. 
xsd:integer 110 
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:11:56+01:00 

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