. "The location in which the Speaker makes a verbal response. This was how Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa responded in the Assembly on November 5, 2003."@en . "Place" . . . . . "The location in which the Speaker makes a verbal response.\nThis was how Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa responded in the Assembly on November 5, 2003."^^ . "Peripheral" . "Peripheral"^^ . . . "Place" . "Place"^^ . "The location in which the Speaker makes a verbal response. This was how Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa responded in the Assembly on November 5, 2003."@en . . "9004"^^ . . . . . . . . "JKR" . "pla" . . . . . "2005-08-29T10:50:47+02:00"^^ . .