Place entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The location where the Individuals under consideration reside. A stadium is expected to cost $350 million, and financial woes caused by recession and high joblessness in Oregon all but rule out public financing.
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Place  Place 
xsd:string The location where the Individuals under consideration reside. A stadium is expected to cost $350 million, and financial woes caused by recession and high joblessness in Oregon all but rule out public financing. 
The location where the Individuals under consideration reside. A stadium is expected to cost $350 million, and financial woes caused by recession and high joblessness in Oregon all but rule out public financing. 
xsd:integer 8839 
xsd:dateTime 2005-08-11T15:43:02+02:00 

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