
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Population.research entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

A group of entities that are studied by the Researcher to answer the Question. The studied group need not be the only kind of entity that provides evidence for answering the research Question. Prior researchers have investigated senile dementia in relatively small populations.
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Population 
xsd:string A group of entities that are studied by the Researcher to answer the Question. The studied group need not be the only kind of entity that provides evidence for answering the research Question. Prior researchers have investigated senile dementia in relatively small populations. 
A group of entities that are studied by the Researcher to answer the Question. The studied group need not be the only kind of entity that provides evidence for answering the research Question. Prior researchers have investigated senile dementia in relatively small populations. 
xsd:integer 7289 
xsd:dateTime 2004-11-20T20:39:23+01:00 

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