"The Protagonist is the deprofiled individual who makes an attempt to achieve a Goal by performing the Means action, which may involve using an Instrument. Download also failed for me on both March and May issues."@en . . . . "8010"^^ . . . "JKR" . "Protagonist" . "Protagonist"^^ . . "pro" . . "2005-05-20T11:14:38+02:00"^^ . . "Protagonist" . "The Protagonist is the deprofiled individual who makes an attempt to achieve a Goal by performing the Means action, which may involve using an Instrument.\nDownload also failed for me on both March and May issues. "^^ . "Peripheral" . "Peripheral"^^ . . "The Protagonist is the deprofiled individual who makes an attempt to achieve a Goal by performing the Means action, which may involve using an Instrument. Download also failed for me on both March and May issues."@en . . .