Protagonist entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The sentient being who cannot proceed with their planned activities until a Salient_entity has arrived or an Expected_event has occurred. He politely waited, hat in hand, until he could speak.
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Protagonist 
xsd:string The sentient being who cannot proceed with their planned activities until a Salient_entity has arrived or an Expected_event has occurred. He politely waited, hat in hand, until he could speak. 
The sentient being who cannot proceed with their planned activities until a Salient_entity has arrived or an Expected_event has occurred. He politely waited, hat in hand, until he could speak. 
xsd:integer 8487 
xsd:dateTime 2005-07-14T13:14:55+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud