
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Purpose.bringing entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Purpose for which the Carrier or Agent carries the Theme . We had to carry the heavy weights all the way to the top of the hillto show our strength. @en
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Purpose  Purpose 
xsd:string The Purpose for which the Carrier or Agentcarries the Theme. We had to carry the heavy weights all the way to the top of the hillto show our strength. 
The Purpose for which the Carrier or Agent carries the Theme . We had to carry the heavy weights all the way to the top of the hillto show our strength.  @en
xsd:integer 4850 
xsd:dateTime 2003-07-29T18:54:27+02:00 

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