Relative_location entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The location relative to the body of the Wearer that the Clothing occupies. Note that in many cases, the location is defined relative to other clothing. She wore shorts outside her jeans.
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Relative_location 
xsd:string The location relative to the body of the Wearer that the Clothing occupies. Note that in many cases, the location is defined relative to other clothing. She wore shorts outside her jeans. 
The location relative to the body of the Wearer that the Clothing occupies. Note that in many cases, the location is defined relative to other clothing. She wore shorts outside her jeans. 
xsd:integer 7201 
xsd:dateTime 2004-11-03T11:30:44+01:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud