Result entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Result is the result of the change of phase of the Patient. The leaves rotted into a mass of slime. A dead snail decomposes very rapidly, fouling the water badly.
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Result  Result 
xsd:string The Result is the result of the change of phase of the Undergoer. The leaves rotted into a mass of slime. A dead snail decomposes very rapidly, fouling the water badly. 
The Result is the result of the change of phase of the Patient. The leaves rotted into a mass of slime. A dead snail decomposes very rapidly, fouling the water badly. 
xsd:integer 2926 
xsd:dateTime 2002-06-03T11:56:18+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud