Role entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The role played by the Leader in a given situation, often an official title; incorporated in most noun LUsin this frame. When expressed separately from the target, Role usually occurs in a PP Complement headed by as. Hussein reigned as King of Jordan
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Role  Role 
xsd:string The role played by the Leader in a given situation, often an official title; incorporated in most noun LUsin this frame. When expressed separately from the target, Role usually occurs in a PP Complement headed by as. Hussein reigned as King of Jordan 
The role played by the Leader in a given situation, often an official title; incorporated in most noun LUsin this frame. When expressed separately from the target, Role usually occurs in a PP Complement headed by as. Hussein reigned as King of Jordan 
xsd:integer 349 
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:12:25+01:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud