Source entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Source is the location that the Theme formerly occupied. Persons that begin in possession of the Theme may metonymically stand in for the Source. @en
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Source  Source 
xsd:string The Source is the location that the Theme formerly occupied. Persons that begin in possession of the Theme may metonymically stand in for the Source. 
The Source is the location that the Theme formerly occupied. Persons that begin in possession of the Theme may metonymically stand in for the Source.  @en
xsd:integer 6943 
xsd:dateTime 2004-07-16T11:58:05+02:00 

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Item-1 and Item-2 are compatible with each other if they can exist or function together in some context without problems, conflict, or other undesirable situation. The set of Item-1 and Item-2 may be expressed jointly as Items. The Degree to which the Items are compatible may also be indicated, as may be a Parameter along whose lines the Items are compatible. Make sure your site is compatible with any browser. Our software applications are compatible. @en

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