Source entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

NB: This FE will be mapped to Intended_wearing_location The location that the Wearer exits while wearing the Clothing. I just ca n't understand why he doesn't wear his hat out of the house.
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Source  Source 
xsd:string The location that the Wearer exits while wearing the Clothing. I just ca n't understand why he doesn't wear his hat out of the house. 
NB: This FE will be mapped to Intended_wearing_location The location that the Wearer exits while wearing the Clothing. I just ca n't understand why he doesn't wear his hat out of the house. 
xsd:integer 7041 
xsd:dateTime 2004-09-02T11:34:02+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud