Stimulus entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The entity or situation that causes the Cognizer to think of the Phenomenon. Internationalization conjures up a world of diplomatic exchanges and international agencies in which the interests of ex-colonial and great powers still linger @en
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Stimulus  Stimulus 
xsd:string The entity or situation that causes the Cognizer to think of the Phenomenon. Internationalization conjures up a world of diplomatic exchanges and international agencies in which the interests of ex-colonial and great powers still linger 
The entity or situation that causes the Cognizer to think of the Phenomenon. Internationalization conjures up a world of diplomatic exchanges and international agencies in which the interests of ex-colonial and great powers still linger  @en
xsd:integer 6016 
xsd:dateTime 2004-03-04T14:02:22+01:00 

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